摘要:Pla cing socia l justice at the c entre of educa tiona l administra tion implies critical reflections on t he sta tus quo. A unita rised syste m of a dministration strives, a mongst others, to ma inta in uniformity in re spec t of service delivery. The system does, in some cases unintentionally, margina lise socia l justice concer ns. Ma rginalisa tion of social justice concerns does not only affec t those w ith unequ al socia l, e du cationa l, and professiona l capita l because they are poor, live in rural area s, immigra nt, female, ga y or different in race, abilities, ethnicity, religion, la nguage, or culture, but also limits the voices of allies within educationa l a dministra tion tha t would confront issues of inequality and injustice. This pa pe r, informed and dir ected by the different rationa les, provides a critique for decentralisation and re-centralisa tion trends in va rious countries. O rga nisa tions and governments ha ve been found to be unsure as to when they ma y de centralise and/or re-ce ntralise. The concept conundrum refers to a confusing or pu zz ling situa tion. I n the c ontext of this p ape r de cen tr a lisa tion and c entr alisation both hav e th eir ow n challenges. When you a pply either one of them old problems a re resolved and new ones crop up, this me ans that neither dec entra lisa tion nor centra lisa tion is a pana cea to all pr oblems
关键词:Social Justice. Educational Administra tion. Centralisa tion. Service D elive ry. Conundrum