摘要:O ve r the pa st two deca des, researchers in the huma nities and socia l sciences have shown a growing inter est in exploring te aching for tra nsforma tion. T he a im of this study is to explore the perc eptio ns of pre- ser vice te achers' experie nces on au tonomy for transformational tea ching dur ing tea ching pra ctice ses sions. The resea rchers adopted a positivistic methodology during our qua ntitative investigation. Q uestionna ires w ere used to colle ct da ta . Four factor s: emotions; cla ssroom ma na gement; motivation; and tr ansformation were extra cted fr om the rotated matrix. The results revealed tha t pre-service tea chers appea r to be awa re of what autonomy implies a nd gea r their tea ching in this dir ection, and it appears that the University where the research was conducted pre pa res their students to func tion autonomously.
关键词:Transformation. A utonomy. Emotional Intelligence (EI). Pre-service Teacher Tr aining. Interpretive ; Methodology. Q uantitative Rese arch Method. Fa ctor A na lysis