摘要:Stra te gie s a ime d at redu cing pover ty nee d to ide ntify fa ctors tha t a re str ongly a ssoc ia te d w ith poverty a nd tha t could be influenced by policy c hanges. T he study re por ted here used household level data to ana lyze de termina nts of household poverty in a Sou th Africa Tow nship of Bophe long. A Logistic r egr ession w as estimate d ba sed on this data with the economic sta tus (that is poor a nd non-poor) as the dependent va riable and a set of demogra phic va ria bles a s the explana tory va ria bles. The r esults show tha t household size , age and the employment statu s of the household hea d significantly explain the va ria tions in the likelihood of be ing poor. T he age a nd employment status of the household head reduces the proba bility of being poor, whereas household size is associated with a n increased probability of being poor. The strongest predictor of poverty status is the employment status of the household head.