摘要:This a rticle reports on educator stress in public schools. In doing so, the article sets the objectives of identifying the ca uses of stress in public schools of educa tors in Kwa Zulu-N ata l. The data were collected by means of a stra tified ra ndom sa mple drawn in a cross-sectiona l survey design of educa tors employed in public schools in four districts in Kwa Zulu -N ata l in South Africa . A tota l of 368 questionna ires (of which 350 w ere u sable) were received from 1500 distributed questionna ires T he theory on the causes of stress were empirically postulated and analysed by means of data employed explora tory factor analysis. In tota l seven key causes (fac tors) of educator stress were identified. These fa ctors expla in a fa voura ble cumula tive variance 69%, a nd are (in declining order of importa nce) O rga niza tiona l support, O ve rload, Remu ner ation, Control, Job insec urity, Relationship opportunities a nd Gr owth oppor tunities.
关键词:Edu cators. Teac hers. Stressors. Productivity. Kwa Zulu-N atal. Factor Ana lysis