摘要:T his study explor ed the ke y e le ments in a pply ing lea rning or ganisa tion con cepts in c hang ing environments of unc ertainty and discontinuity in the Z imba bwe Ope n University. D ra wing on the interp retive pa ra digm and grounde d theory, an open–ende d que stionnaire gene ra te d da ta from a convenient sa mple of 20 lecturers and 120 students. Findings suggest that ODL institutions are pivotal for effective collabora tive engagement to meet institutional goa ls. Thus, they need to a pply orga nisational learning concepts a nd fu nc tion a s "lear ning orga nizations". This ma y be achieved by fostering both colla borative and individua l life-long lea rning, professional development and intellec tua l stimu la tion, r ese arc h, c rea tivity a nd innova tion. Tra nsforma tional lea der ship a nd autonomy, collective a ccountability and responsibility a nd, appropriate incentive schemes also emerged as important. The study suggests re-designing of the OD L university leadership and a ligning it to the dictates of modern learning organisations. Being mindful of such issues ma y assist the university in na vigating its wa y through the uncerta inties in the ter rain.
关键词:Educa tion. Univer sity. Modern Lea rning Organisa tions. L ife-Long Lea rning. Lea de rship