摘要:As with other cultura l artifacts, music (apar t from being a form of r ecreation) conta ins a messa ge. Very often this messa ge is a form of social commentary. Using this premise as a point of departure, this conceptual paper dia lectically tries to assert whether modern music e ngages with capitalist ideology and the effect thereof on society. An understanding of how music, a s social mouthpiece, enga ges with this issue ca n increa se our understanding of how ca pita list ideology effec ts people which, in turn, can she d new light on the discourse surrou nding ethic al conduct of business organisa tions within a capita list soc iety. The pa per shows tha t modern music does provide critique on the capitalist ideology and even provides critique on business organisa tions as instruments of capitalism. T his c ritiqu e exp lor es the nega tive , societa l e ffe cts of c apita lism, show ing tha t the n otions o f su c ce ss a nd prosper ity come at the expense of the ver y society it wishes to ser ve .
关键词:Capita lism. Mode rn Music. Socia l Commenta ry. Cu ltu re Indu str y. Ethica l Bu siness Co nduct. ; D ehuma niza tion