摘要:There a re still several myths a round lea dership in spite of the fa ct that it is one of the most topi cal issu es in mode rn orga nisations. The impor ta nc e the re of and c ontr ib ution s of lea der ship in high per for ming organisations ca n neve r be underestimated. Lea der s play a n impor tant role in a n orga nisation as social a rchitec ts by crea ting vision a nd strategic direction, building relationships, establishing culture and values and leading change. T his a rtic le a ttempts to addre ss specific re quirem ents, by r efer ring to re le va nt lead ership c ompeten cie s a nd providing more empowering views on the essence of lea dership when dealing with organisational cha nge issues. By referring to va rious models of leadership, emphases ha ve been place on the evolution of cha nge le adership. T his ar tic le a lso attempts to provide a ne w framework applicable to lea ding change successfully by a pplying a mixed method. T he existing framework in the rele va nt c ompany w as review ed in or der to de velop a new fra mew ork.
关键词:Leadership. Leadership Competencies. Leadership M odels. Lea dership in Change. Lea ding Cha nge. ; Organisationa l Success. Values and Culture