摘要:This a rticle develops a theoretica l model to measu re the creativity of young a du lts (18 to 25 years of age). Historical creativity approa ches, dimensions, models and tests wer e researched through a lite ratur e study in order to identify sele cted c onstr ucts that influence cr eativity of you ng adults. Re sultantly, a total of twenty- eight crea tivity influe nces were identified whic h ultimately cu lmina ted in the sele ction of nine key influenc es. Additionally, from the litera ture study, measuring criteria were identified for each of the nine inf luences, resulting is a theoretica l model to measure crea tivity. The research is of value due to the significant role young adults pla y and will play in society at a socio-economic level. Young adults need to know the value of crea tivity in society, how creative they are and how they ca n develop creative abilities. In this context, it is necessary to mea sure crea tivity in an effor t to actively support crea tive development in young adults. Measuring cr eativity a t this level has been challenging due to the impact of va rious cognitive psychological fac tors and the external environmen t which ca n foster or inhibit crea tivity dra ma tica lly
关键词:Cre ativity Dimensions. Crea tivity Approache s. Crea tivity Me asureme nt. Crea tivity Te sts. Youth