摘要:Satisfa ction at work has become a widespread focus of researchers. The Gallup Q12 Workplace Audit is an instrument that measures employee enga gement on a 12-item sca le. T he aim of this exploratory study wa s to revisit the va lidity and reliability of the Gallup Workpla ce Audit (GWA) as a mea sure of employee en ga gement in a petrochemical company. Furthermore, the study aimed to determine whether the GWA, which is an interna tional survey, can be used effectively in South Africa . A cross-sectiona l survey design with an a ccidental sample (N = 2 588) was used. First results showed that none of the items needed to be eliminated from the scale, a nd that the scale itself ha d a very high reliability. Descr iptive sta tistics such as frequency counts were used to describe the sa mple. Accepta ble internal consistency wa s reached through an exploratory fa ctor a na lysis which resulted in a one-factor model of work enga gement. The results confirmed that this international surve y can be utilised effe ctively in the South Africa n context. Recomme ndations for future researc h conclu de this ar ticle.
关键词:S ; Ga llup. E nga gement. Petrochemica l Company. Wor kpla ce. Cr oss-sectional Survey. Kaise r-Me ye r- ; Olkin