标题:xe " Early Childhood Education in South African Townshi" A Review of the Implementation of Public Service Reforms by Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (2011)
摘要:Sinc e 198 0, the Z imba bwe an governme nt ha s instituted sever al mea su res which w ere me ant to improve public se rvice delive ry in the country. De spite the treme ndous e ffor t a nd re sou rce s a lloca te d to the reforms, some public sectors in Zimbabwe a re still u nde r performing. This study focused on the exper ie nc es of Zimba bwe Revenu e Au thor ity (Z IMRA ) in the implementa tion of per forma nce mana geme nt (PM) and public fina nce ma nagement (PFM) reforms. T he pa pe r is based on four UN DP principles of good gove rnance; nam ely partic ipation a nd involvement, efficie ncy and e ffectiveness, responsivene ss, a nd acc ou ntability a nd transpa rency. 400 people participa ted in the study. The ma in instruments for data collection were semi-structured questionna ires and interviews. The study concludes that there is still room for the ZIMRA to improve from its current opera tional levels.
关键词:Public Service Delivery. ZIMRA. Performa nce Management. Public Finance. Mana gement. Zimbabwe