摘要:The pa per presents the findings of the study that wa s conducted to explore the impact of tra ining o n job satisfa ction and retention of employees at a se lected ter tia ry institution. A qua ntitative resea rch methodology was used and 120 randomly selected respondents pa rticipated in this study. Self-a dminister ed qu estionna ires were a dminister ed to re spondents draw n from a ca de mic administra tors. The data collected w as a nalysed usin g SPSS version 22.0. The results revealed that there is no significant relationship between training and employee retention. Howe ve r, there is a significant positive relationship between e mployee job sa tisfa ction and re tentio n.
关键词:Turnover. Tra ining. Retention. Impa ct. Te rtia ry