摘要:The energy-efficient low-carbon EU economy (known as the 20-20-20) sets fundamental objectives in reducing greenhouse gas emissions (20%), increasing the share of renewable energy sources (20%) and saving primary energy consumption (20%). The objectives are incorporated in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs). Slovakia has to increase the share of renewable energy sources (RES) by 14% in its energy mix by 2020. Currently, the most widely used RES are water and solar energy, biomass and biogas. Our country has suitable ecological conditions for growing the so called energy crops in lowland and upland areas. So far, however, there is a lack of science-based information on the potential production of biomass in different soil-ecological and climatic conditions of the Slovak Republic. Our experimental research is focused on quantification of biomass production of various willow (genus Salix), poplar (genus Populus) and silvergrass (Miscanthus sinensis) varieties grown in ecological conditions of southern Slovakia. We evaluated the biomass production of the studied crops. The results were evaluated in terms of the EU call (2013): to obtain more energy while reducing inputs and negative environmental impacts
关键词:energy crop; Salix; Populus; Miscanthus; biomass production; EU energy policy