期刊名称:Advances in Environmental Sciences - International Journal of the Bioflux Society
摘要:The object of study is the re construction of degraded land in UP III Steierdorf and installing rehabilitating productive forest vegetation. This area was affected by excavation and storage of materials resulting from blasting, excavation, and burning bituminous rocks. The production u nit is part of the group III Steierdorf southern Banat Mountains, located in western Semenic - Almaj respectively Anina Mountains. The production unit comprises the upper basin of the valley Minis, a tributary of the river Nera. The lands located on the dum ps have an area of 20 ha, are located in the unincorporated town Anina, near Steierdorf neighborhood, across Anina Forestry and Forestry Directorate belongs Resita. For afforestation of degraded lands under study were mainly used species with high ecolog ical amplitude to withstand harsh environmental conditions and shrubs. The material underlying the study is the sapling forest: Pinus sylvestris , E leagnus angustifolia , Acer pseudoplatanus , Picea abies and Robinia pseudacacia , aged 2 - 3 years, according to species. They were brought from the nursery Bozovici, Forestry Bozovici. There have been 10 sample surface, in which determination has been made of the elements dendrometric, physiological measurements and the state of gr owth of the seedlings. The seedling s were monitored during the years 2009 to 2012