摘要:Agrotouristic developmental potential of Tasnad microregion . Touristical valences of Tasnad microregion, caracteristical for agroturism are sustained by a geocultural base rich in traditions, customs, trades and specific Hollidays, as a result of the long-term cohabitation on the same territory of a human group made of three ethnies (Romanians, Hungarians, Swabians), each of them keeping alive the elements of territorial adherence to mental space with which it identifies. Tasnad microregion is suitable for different forms of practicing agrotourism which completes each other in different categories of specific destinations: hunting and fishing tourism, oenological tourism, religiousecumenical tourism, cultural tourism, curative-balneary tourism, entertainement tourism (horse riding and cycling), ecological tourism and mixt agrotourism
关键词:microregion; agrotourism; geocultural base; entertainment tourism; rural landscape; wine landscape