Despite the relevance of nature of science andscientific models in science education, studies reveal that students do notpossess adequate views regarding these topics. Bearing in mind that bothteachers’ views and knowledge strongly influence students’ educationalexperiences, t he main scope of thisstudy was to evaluate Portuguese prospective teachers’ views of nature of science,models and earth’s structure models and to analyse if their views differ (bycomparing prospective primaryteachers’ with prospective middle and secondary school teachers’ views) . A questionnairewas applied to 65 prospective science teachers who were enrolled in differentPortuguese institutions of higher education. Descriptive analysis showed thatalthough the majority of the participants revealed intermediate views of natureof science, a high percentage of them hold uninformed views regarding the othertopics of analysis. Some differences between prospective middle and secondary teachers’ views and prospective primaryteachers ’ views were also found.