This study employeda print laboratory material based on 5E model of constructivist learningapproach to teach reflection of light and Image on a Plane Mirror. The effectof the instruction which conducted with the designed print laboratory materialon academic achievements of prospective science and technology teachers andtheir attitudes towards physics laboratory was questioned. The study was carried out with 98 prospectiveteachers who attended the course named General Physics Laboratory III andundergraduate students at the Department of Science Education at KaradenizTechnical University during 2011-2012 fall semesters. The study was conductedby adopting semi-experimental method. Experimental group instructed with thedesigned print laboratory material whereas control group instructed in throughtraditional laboratory practices. The Achievement Test, Physics LaboratoryAttitude Scale, and Reflective Writings were used as data collection tools. Itwas proved that the instruction carried out with print laboratory materialsbased on 5E model contributed to academic achievements of prospective teachersand their attitudes towards physics laboratory more than the instruction basedon traditional approach. Based on the research results, it was recommended thatprint materials prepared based on the constructivist learning theory could begeneralized in the Physics Laboratory courses.