摘要:Zagreb, a study of the motivation for physical exercise was carried out with the questionnaire The Motives for Physical Activity Measure – Revised, MPAM-R (Ryan, Frederick, Lepes, Rubio and Sheldon, 1997) for the purpose of defining the factors of motivation and the verification of metric characteristics of the questionnaire. According to the authors theoretical expectations of the questionnaire, a total of five factors were excreted of which three factors were suitable for interpretation. Therefore, the original construct of the questionnaire of five factors was not confirmed. Incentive structure in this sample was defined with three motivation factors relating to training for the challenge and enjoyment, exercise due to physical appearance and exercise for socializing with friends. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire metric characteristics show that this questionnaire has good metric characteristics and that it allows reliable assessment of three-type motivation for physical exercise.
关键词:factor analysis; motives for physical exercise; reliability; students; questionnaire