出版社:International Association for Computer Information Systems
摘要:Graduation and rete ntion is a major concern for all universities. Faculty members , in spite of their teaching, research and service loads , are being asked to pay more attention to student s' advisement. The quality of faculty advisement is also being monitored at the highest level. Although most universities have implement student advisement systems through ERP systems, these advisement systems do not provide the desired support to faculty for advisement . This is more evident where a university has implemented an out - of - the - bo x solution from a ven dor without major customization . This paper describes an Advisement System designed to mitigate the issues of an out - of - the - box implementati on at a southeastern university to help improve retention and graduation
关键词:Informatio ; n Technology (IT); ; Advisement; Retention; Database; Web ; - ; based systems; Role of Faculty