出版社:International Association for Computer Information Systems
摘要:The Internet has provided a large opportunity for an abundance of information to be produced and available withvery little cost. One of the downsides of this ‘free’ information is the credibility and legitimacy of the facts and thenews source. One important goal of academia is to ensure that students are able to learn critical thinking techniquesand be able to evaluate an author’s intention in material presentation, their qualifications, and most importantly themessage imparted and whether or not that message is verified. This study seeks to evaluate how students obtain theirnews and research information as well as the current state of student’s perception and their evaluation of purportednews articles available in the Internet. Fifty-eight students participated in an exploratory study where each studentreviewed seven different articles and asked to respond to several questions regarding author role, motivation,credibility, as well as if information presented was perceived as factual or opinion. This study found that thewebsites that students were selected to utilize had an impact on their ability to accurately assess the credibility ofarticles on the Internet.