摘要:“Carignano del Sulcis” is a much appreciated wine, ruby red with a dry,sapid and harmonious flavour. It is produced exclusively from vineyards trained asalberate and trellised alberate. The area of production, which includes alladministrative territories of many Sulcis communities, features a complex and variedlandscape from the geological and geomorphological standpoints. It has a high degreeof geodiversity and density of sites of great geomorphological and landscape interestwhose salient characteristics are described below. The work presents the results of aninventory of the natural (geosites, geomorphosites, parks and nature reserves) andcultural heritage (archaeological sites, industrial archaeology sites, sites of architectural,historic and traditional interest) classified and georeferenced within their landscapeunits, together with a part of the wine-producing areas. From the overall picture of theheritage emerges a high degree of multiplicity of the natural and cultural heritage thatmay play an important role as a possible motor for truly sustainable development fromthe standpoint of geo- and cultural tourism more in general.
关键词:landscape; geosites; cultural heritage; Carignano wine; Sulcis