摘要:This paper o ffers so me reflect ions on the possibilit y of a dialog between African and Nat ive- American o ral poetics and Western poetics within Brazilian lit erary scenery. From the notion t hat Brazilian culture, and therefo re its literature, is an extension of European culture, with no possible solid co ntributions fro m Native-American and African elements, the t ext argues, based o n works by authors such as Segismundo Spina, Ruth Finnegan, Jerome Rothenberg and Antonio Risério, t hat a dialo g with oral poetic t rad itions, in particu lar those fo und in Brazil, is po ssible and desirable. Some theories about t he supposedly primitive character o f the cultures from which these poetics have sprung and some o f their aesthetic characteristics are d iscussed, proposing that, as distinct as they are, oral and written poetic traditio ns share some common features that can be bro ught together
关键词:Oral po et ic traditions. Poetic form. Dialog between cu ltures