摘要:Since training has to be adjusted with the level of sportsmen skills and legality of skills development scientific and professional approach is required. That kind of approach implies determination of aerobic and anaerobic skills according which we can determine training zones regarding football game requirements. On the other hand, deflection programming that is maintained in a certain space and time intervals and pauses is required to be in accordance with specific activities supported by situational elements of the game and only then the training is rational. The sample of respondents is 23 football players from .Spartak – Zlatibor voda"club, First league of Serbia. The sample of variables presents ten indicators of functional skills. We calculated central and dispersion variable parameters and the group respondents, according to their skills, are classified through cluster analysis. The results confirmed that this type of approach is successful and in three years of following it this season they will participate in the biggest Serbian league
关键词:Training; aerobic and anaerobic capacity; Conconi; football players