摘要:The purpose of this research is to determine parameters influence of attacking efficiency on the score of handball matches at men's tournament Olympic Games in Peking 2008. The exemplar of entity makes 12 national selections 30 matches (60 competitors) of the first contest cycle at the men's tournament Olympic Games in Peking 2008. Data will be resumed with descriptive statistic package and regression analysis. The result outcome gives us tree variables to be exacted: shot from nine meters field, shot from semi-free ball successful on defined criteria. Standard indicators of situational efficiency which describes a set of predictor variables were: a shot from 9 feet successfully, shot from 9 feet unsuccessfully, with the wings of a successful shot, shot from the wing failed, shot from 6 feet successfully, shot from 6 feet failed, shot from a counterattack successfully, shot from the unsuccessful counterattack, shot from 7 feet successfully, shot with a 7 meter failure, the successful passage of the shot, shot from a passage failure. Criterion variable was defined final score of the game. This study was confirmed that handball game became faster with important phases such as: counterattacking, high level of technical skills and concentration. These phases are very important for winning or losing game, so coaches have to include new technologies and modality of training