摘要:Autism is a serious psychiatric disorder that limits the person first and then fit to integrate into society and then to establish relationships with others. For example, pet therapy can be important in facilitating the relationship: the one with the animal, has an immediate relationship. To help children with autism using hippotherapy or dolphin therapy. In the rehabilitation of the child sits like riding without a saddle on its back by enabling him to have resulted from stimulation of rhythm and 'support of the hoof. The treatment of the horse just counteracts the hyperactivity of children with autism. The noise given by the rhythm of the hooves, like the heartbeat of the baby in the womb of the mother felt, that causes a feeling of wellbeing. With the dolphin therapy instead of the child through a kind of return to the womb, just due all'immergersi water. The pet therapy works on many levels. The relationship established between the child and the animal, and the affection that binds them, are all elements that act positively on the affective-emotional and psycho- physical realm. The pet therapy has a positive effect on three levels: 1) emotional and psychological. Pets help to ease the loneliness with their needs center around the person's attention: for example, a puppy away from negative thoughts, you feel accepted and promotes interpersonal relationships; 2) at the physical level: the animals are a stimulus to motor activity and a tool for rehabilitation; 3) at play: the animal throughout its life, always manages to have the ability to play, even causing people to play