期刊名称:International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
出版社:University of the West Indies
摘要:Kang lays the groundwork for this SIG by researching the prevalence of ICT4D at CIES conferences. In "Revisioning I nformation and C ommunication T echnology for D evelopment (IC T4D) at the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES): A F ive - Y ear A ccount (2009 - 2013)", Kang provides an account of how ICT has evolved as a key topic and research area at the CIES conference. The past five years' CIES conferenc e papers with an ICT component are reviewed for common development trends, opportunities, and challenges. The findings include: 1) ICT has a strong presence at CIES; 2) Countries from Asia, Africa , and Northern America regions have been the major contribut ors to CIES; 3) Educational institutions, private and professional organizations , and companies have been the key ICT4D players at CIES; 4) The interaction between ICT and other areas has been established; and 5) ICT4D SIG is suggested to further claim its role of connecting, building, and strengthening ICT4D community of practice at C IES