期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:we propose a secure communication protocol for communication between two nodes in ad hoc networks. This is achieved by using clustering techniques. We present a novel secure communication framework for ad hoc networks (SCP); which describes authentication and confidentiality when packets are distributed between hosts with in the cluster and between the clusters. These cluster head nodes execute administrative functions and network key used for certification. The cluster head nodes (CHs) perform the major operations to achieve our SCP framework with help of RSA and DH AlgorithmsA network is divided into clusterswith one special head node each. These cluster head nodes executeadministrative functions and hold shares of a network key usedfor certification. New nodes start to participate in the networkas guests; they can only become full members with a network signed certificate after their authenticity has been warranted bysome other members. The feasibility of this concept was verified by simulation. Three different models for node mobility wereused in order to include realistic scenarios as well as make theresults comparable to other work. The simulation results includean evaluation of the log-on times, availability, and communicationoverhead.