摘要:The subject of heterogeneous/homogenous grouping has been an important issue for decades. In the first place, different terms have been used to describe the selection of students on the basis of ability, achievement or other criteria. Basically, 'streaming', 'tracking' and 'setting' have been used to express selection of students on the basis of achievement and frequently 'ability grouping' has come to be used more than 'homogenous grouping' (Macqueen, 2013). Welke and Bragg (1958) indicate there were tracking practices in the United States around 1930s. While some (Pfeiffer, 1966) believed ability grouping was a myth, others said it produced especially clear effects (Kulik & Kulik, 1982). Many looked into ability grouping with equality in focus (Davies, Hallam & Ireson, 2003; Jackson, 2008). Therefore, ability grouping was not advised in order to avoid inequality among students. This is especially the case when preschool and primary education is considered. At the high school level evidence and feelings are varied (Keller, 2011). Some evidence showed benefit for the low achievers and no gain for the high achievers. Meta-analytic reviews show the effects of grouping programs depend on their features. Some grouping programs have little or no effect on students; other programs have moderate effects; and still other programs have large effects (Kulik, 1992). Even if there may be a need for a fresh look at the issue of grading in K-12, the issue has been well-documented. The debate still goes on but it needs to be evidenced at university level as well. Because of the different practices in student intake in higher education around the world, almost no study focused on student grouping in higher education
关键词:homogenous grouping; tracking ; at ; university; academic ; achievement; mixed ; - ; ability ; class