摘要:Türkiye 30 Mart Yerel Se.imleri .ncesinde yap.lan bu alan ara.t.rmas.n.n sonu.lar., dijital ara.lar vas.tas.yla, internet ortam.n.n, siyasal bilgi edinme arac. olarak di.er kitle ileti.im ara.lar.na oranla daha fazla takip edildi.ini g.stermektedir. Se.im kampanyalar. sürecinde internet ve dijital ara.lar.n kullan.m düzeylerinin saptand... ara.t.rmada, internetin gen.ler aras.nda yayg.n bi.imde kullan.ld... ortaya konulmaktad.r. Ayr.ca internetin daha .ok, ak.ll. telefon, tablet ve dizüstü bilgisayar gibi mobil ara.lar vas.tas.yla kullan.ld... saptanm..t.r. .al..man.n sonu.lar. se.im kampanyalar. sürecinde siyasi parti ve adaylarla ilgili bilgi edinme süreci, di.er internet i.eriklerine oranla haber sitelerini takip ederek ger.ekle.ti.ini g.stermektedir. Buna kar..l.k siyasi parti ve adaylar.n resmi sayfalar., siyasal bilgilenme arac. olarak dü.ük seviyede kullan.lm..t.r
其他摘要:The results derived through this study, which was conducted before the March 30 Local Elections of Turkey, show that the internet is used more frequently as a political informing device than the other mass media. In the study, by which usage level of the internet and digital means during the electoral campaigns is determined, it is put forward that the internet is used in a widespread manner by the young people. Additionally it was seen that, the internet is frequently used via mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets and laptops. It is also seen that, when compared with other internet contents, news websites were followed more, as a knowledge acquisition means about the political parties and candidates, during the electoral campaigns. On the other hand, official websites of the political parties and the candidates was used as a political knowledge acquisition means at a low level