摘要:Water Interferences : definition, location, nature of process and induced effects with applications in Romania. In the first part of the paper defines the interference term retention, location and origin of the water that interferes and generates a special category of hazards fluid. Next, have been identified, analyzed and detailed localized, depending on their nature (physical, chemical and mechanical) phenomena and processes underlying this category of hazards fluid and environment effects that induce the different environments in Romania (continental, marine and coastal). Territorial analysis and interference effects they induce in the end allowed the work to delimit affected areas similar to Romania this category waterborne hazards. Regionalization of interference phenomena and processes can be based on several criteria (duration, intensity, frequency and number of types of harmful interference researched area). Based on the latter criterion stated several areas were defined as the number of types of interference and their expressions are identical. Finally, three categories were defined by the number of interferences, regions that affect different (high, medium and low), hence the chance character product: complex, intermediate and low. Of conclusions resulting set theme, originality and the need to study this class of integrated hydrological hazards.
关键词:interferences; physical processes; chemical nature processes; effects