摘要:The clastocarstic (crov) lakes from the Brăila Plain. Genesis, hydrological features, present condition. The wide development of interfluvial spaces (30-40 kms wide) dipping very slightly (10-15 m/30-40 kms), the presence of loess-like deposits and eolian sands reduced fragmentation leading to the predominance of clasto-carstic depressions (crovs) realized by suffusion and setting processes. The semiarid continental temperate climate featured by hot summers and cold winters;the quantity of the precipitations is small (450-550 mm/year two thirds of which fall in winter-spring) while potential evapo-transpiration is high (some 700 mm/year) whinch means a deficient humidity (of some 150-250 mm/year. Against this morphological, litilogical and climate background the local water network is represented by a few waterways with temporary flow which ends up toward the confluence with fluviatile limans and in “crov” lakes that have a permanent/temporary regime, too. Most of these lakes are distinguished by a high degree of mineralization which makes them fall into group of brackish and sault lakes.Some of these lakes have used for balneary treatment (for instace Lacul Sărat-Brăila, Movila Miresii) and fish breeding (Plopu, Secu, Lutu Alb).