期刊名称:International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
出版社:School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
摘要:In this paper, a neural network (NN)-bacterial foraging algorithm (BFA) isproposed to control the load frequency of the power system. Traditionally, the tumblingdecision element of BFA is defined by the stochastic values. But, these values arechanged as per the variations of chemotactic step size so that the convergence time isincreased. Here, NN is used to ensure the distribution of stochastic value with respect tothe chemotactic step size and thus the performance of BFA is enhanced. The feedforward NN is used here with back propagation training algorithm. Using the proposedcontroller, the controller error, load changes, and speed changer position are tuned andthe stability of the interconnected power system is improved. The proposed tuningcontroller is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink platform and the load frequencycontrol responses are evaluated. The performances of proposed controller are comparedwith those of the PID controller and the BFA-PID controller
关键词:Load frequency control; power system; tuning algorithm; BFA; adaptive;BFA.