期刊名称:International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
出版社:School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
摘要:Cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) was proposed as one solution to overcomeuncertainty noises in primary signal detection. It increases capability of primary signaldetection and accuracy. This paper investigates the performance of decentralized CSSmodel with limited sensing capability in cognitive radio (CR) system. Simulation considersmultiple secondary users (SUs) sense license channel and distributes their sensing resultamong others. Partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) framework is usedas an aid for SU that partially sense over license channel. It models license channel asMarkov discrete process where idle and busy states is represented by number of “0” and“1”. To validate this work, we make some comparisons against single user sensing,centralized multiuser cooperative spectrum sensing (CMCSS) and decentralized randomCSS model. The derived results show that CMCSS and DMCSS model has betterperformance than single user sensing and decentralized random CSS model. CMCSSoutperforms DMCSS model. However, DMCSS model still outperforms decentralizedrandom CSS. At certain case, DMCSS performance matched to the throughput achieved byCMCSS when probability of selected channel (p) = 1.
关键词:Cognitive Radio (CR); Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA); Opportunistic;Spectrum Access (OSA); Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP);Decentralized Network