标题:Preliminary Report of the 2013 Field Season of the Italian Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern Sudan of the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” ,
摘要:According to the application submitted to the National Corporationfor Antiquities and Museums, the goal of the 2013 field season of the ItalianArchaeological Expedition to the Eastern Sudan of Università degli Studi diNapoli “L’Orientale” (hereafter UNO)1 was to continue investigations at siteUA53 and make a closer investigation of the western sector of site K1(Mahal Teglinos), one of the major archaeological sites of Eastern Sudan2(Figs. 1, 2). Both these tasks were regarded as urgent because UA53 will beaffected by the ongoing building of the new dams on the Atbara and Setitrivers and by the implementation of an agricultural scheme in the regionbetween the Gash and the Atbara (Upper Atbara Agricultural IrrigationScheme), while the Western sector of K1 (Mahal Teglinos) was affected byintense erosion due to the heavy rains of the last years. As the Expeditionconsidered it a priority to contribute to the cultural heritage management of the Kassala region, these two endangered sites were selected for investigations in 2013.