期刊名称:Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research
出版社:University of Lueneburg
摘要:This paper addresses the place of sleep duration - objectively and subjectively - in the lives of employed men andwomen in Canada, based on data in Statistics Canada's 2010 General Social Survey no. 24, with an emphasis ontime use. It addresses the mystery of how public opinion reflects a view that night-time sleep has declined induration during a decade when surveys show that it has increased. A further mystery is why women in particularfeel sleep deprived when comparable surveys show greater durations for women over men. Analyses were carriedout on 10,201 men and women between the ages of 25-64, to eliminate the special situations of youth andthe elderly on free time and sleep in recent decades. Analyses of the 6,608 employed persons in this age rangeshowed that employed women spend less mean time than employed men in paid employment, more time in domesticwork, equal time with their partners in child care, and more time asleep than their partners. But their referencegroup is to non-employed women who sleep significantly longer, not to men's sleep durations, and multitaskingplausibly accounts for stress generally imputed primarily to sleeplessness for this cohort. Data indicatethat both the amount and content of multi-tasking impact directly on feelings of time crunch
关键词:Household behavior; family economics; employed women; sleep duration; stress; time crunch;multi-tasking