期刊名称:Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research
出版社:University of Lueneburg
摘要:Time-use surveys are internationally highly valued methods for capturing daily behaviour. Their combination ofquestionnaires and paper-and-pencil time-diaries (among others in Europe) or telephone interview yesterdaymethod(in USA) through which respondents (re)construct their daily activities (i.e. what and when) togetherwith contextual information (i.e. with whom and where) is both its strength as well as its weakness. This weaknessstems from the high (personnel) costs involved in conducting time-use surveys, costs that can largely bereduced by switching to an online method. However, recent experimenting with online time-use surveys a) jeopardizesthe hard work of harmonizing international time-use surveys and b) never truly copied or implementedthe methodology of the paper-and-pencil time diaries let alone added additional features that improve the ‘old’method. After having received a substantial grant we took the challenge to translate this existing method to anonline method a) without loosing its strengths, b) with adding additional features that enrich the data even more,and c) with automated processes that reduce personnel and processing costs. In this contribution we a) reveal ourmethod and its modular design and automated processes, b) provide preliminary results of the quality and responseof the population pilot study (ninvited»40,000), c) evaluate our effort, d) challenge others to comment andcollaborate on our methodology in order to end up with a (new) standardized methodology for online diary studiesthat allows cross-national comparisons, and e) reflect on future possibilities and initiatives that serve theimminent online diary methodology