期刊名称:European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
出版社:Academy of Economic Studies (ASE)
摘要:Rising complexity, numbers and severity of natural and manmade disasters enhance the importance ofreducing vulnerability, or on contrary – increasing resilience, of different kind of systems, including thoseof social, engineering (infrastructure), and environmental (ecological) nature. The goal of this research isto explore urban resilience as an integral system of social, environmental, and engineering resilience. Thisreport analyses the concepts of each kind of resilience and identifies key factors influencing social,ecological, and infrastructure resilience discussing how these factors relate within urban systems. Theachievement of resilience of urban and regional systems happens through the interaction of the differentelements (social, psychological, physical, structural, and environmental, etc.); therefore, resilient city couldbe determined by synergy of resilient society, resilient infrastructure and resilient environment of the givenarea.Based on literature analysis, the current research provides some insights on conceptual framework forassessment of complex urban systems in terms of resilience. To be able to evaluate resilience and defineeffective measures for prevention and risk mitigation, and thereby strengthen resilience, we propose todevelop an e-platform, joining risk parameters’ Monitoring Systems, which feed with data Resiliency Indexcalculation domain. Both these elements result in Multirisk Platform, which could serve for awareness andshared decision making for resilient people in resilient city.