标题:Abschlussbericht Modellprojekt Early Intervention - Frühzeitige Arbeitsmarktintegration von Asylbewerbern und Asylbewerberinnen * Ergebnisse der qualitativen Begleitforschung durch das IAB
出版社:Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung
摘要:Germany is facing an increasing number of persons applying for asylum. The Federal Employment Agency, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and XENOS – a program sponsored by the European Social Fund providing labour market related support to refugees – launched a pilot project. This project aims at a quick support with respect to a successful labour market integration that also considers the formal qualification of the asylum seekers in an adequate way. The project was implemented in six German regions and is evaluated by the Institute for Employment Research. The Research Report analyses starting points as well as barriers to labour market integration. It discusses the structure of supporting the refugees within the project and points at problems stemming from the fact that the responsibility for counselling activities shifts from case workers in employment agencies to job centers when the application for asylum is approved. These entities are acting under different legal, financial and organizational frameworks. This structure is a severe handicap for implementing a consistent strategy for the labour market integration of asylum seekers.