期刊名称:International Journal of Environmental Science and Development
摘要:We carried out measurements and lighting simulations of an existing office building in order to clarify the characteristics of indoor lighting environments using daylight with a light shelf.Paired comparison measurements were performed to elucidate the difference between using only a light shelf and using a light shelf with a blind in terms of horizontal illuminance and window luminance.Next, the effect of the light shelf’s presence or absence on indoor lighting environments was verified through lighting simulations.Measurements and simulations revealed that when a light shelf was available, the luminance of the upper part of the window was higher than that of the lower part, suggesting that glare does not result from the lower part of the window.We also found that using a light shelf increased horizontal illuminance by about 10% over the case of no light shelf.The illuminance distribution of the ceiling indicated that illuminance was high at the window and that reflected diffuse light reached the back of the room, so that it was obvious effect on the horizontal illuminance distribution.