Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have generated high expectations and revolutionized some educational practices by providing open educational resources for reference, usage and adaptation; therefore, their pedagogical quality is often questioned. The objective of this study is to identify indicators related to pedagogical, functional, technological and time factors in order to assess the quality of the MOOC entitled “ Liderazgo en gestión educativa estratégica a través del uso de la tecnología ” (Leadership in strategic educational management through the use of technology), offered as a teacher training program through Coursera to 10.161 participants. Via the Delphi method, a group of 55 experts agreed that time is a key factor to be considered in the design of learning activities. It was concluded that without measuring results, the success of a MOOC could not be evaluated; thus, institutions and consortia must establish evaluation indicators to focus their efforts on the enhancement of pedagogical quality. By providing relevant information, the learning potential of educational resources based on connectivism principles can be evaluated, and so can the quality of MOOCs. The goal is to contribute to a vision of a future in which everyone has access to a world-class education.