出版社:Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
摘要:In this study, we present a socio-culturally informed conception of narrative as a cultural tool and more specifically as a linguistic artefact. From a larger set of empirical data from a preschool setting with children 1-5 years old, two examples have been chosen for further investigation on how this tool is put to use and negotiated between children and their preschool teacher. Collaborative narrative is a powerful cultural artefact since such practice brings up themes and subjects for elaborate talk and thereby supports children in participating in using language in particular speech genres. Furthermore, it is argued that studying narrative as a collaborative making and use of a cultural artefact can give new insights into children's and teachers' perspectives, respectively, and how these may or may not be coordinated. What is worth talking about from children's versus teachers' points of view, how meaning-making is negotiated and how this artefact brings about modes of speaking are intertextually linked to linguistic resources made available in the participants' culture. Such references and modes of speaking are dialogically distributed among participants. Some of the implications of this theoretical account for early childhood education are discussed.
关键词:Co-narrative; collaborative narrative; artifact; learning; cultural tool; kindergarten; preschool