Objectives: Campylobacteriosis is not notifiable in NSW and the number of cases of Campylobacter disease is thus not well described. Methods: De-identified campylobacteriosis records for 2004–2007 were requested from laboratories in the Hunter region of NSW. Based on notifying laboratory, a Salmonella notification weighting was applied to laboratory-confirmed campylobacteriosis cases to provide an overall estimate of Campylobacter disease in the area. Results: The estimated median of the annual number of laboratory-confirmed campylobacteriosis cases was 788 (range 700–1022). The ratio of estimated Campylobacter cases to Salmonella notifications was 5.5 : 1. Conclusion: Campylobacter infection causes considerable disease in the Hunter, and likely in NSW. Regular review of Campylobacter laboratory results may be valuable.