期刊名称:Discussion Papers / Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
摘要:Ethnic dpoliticalwith muisolate thboth theemploydata witconditioimplicitpre‐analstronglyKenyansnegative* We thankexcellent rResearchPorteus, Gfrom the GCouncil. GNSF GradcommentsKarlan, Stseminar aStanford,Annual WAuthor afEconomicContact inHs Ivar OppDadivisions hl stability,ultiple meche role of oeory and inan unusuath a largeons; and utassociationlysis plan. My against ths, and sugge associatiok Ana Beatrizresearch assisFoundation (Gwyneth McCGovernance IGalle acknowduate Researcs from Michateve Krasner,audiences at thColumbia, UWorld Bank Coffiliations: 1 Ncs, 3 UCLA Denformation: EHow Strpedal Berganiel Posnehave beenespeciallychanisms pone such methe convenally rich ressample oftilizing botn tests. TheMost of ouhe commongest that othn betweenz Aguilar, Felstance, and thESRF), and TClendon, andnitiative at JPwledges suppoh Fellowshipl Bauer, JulieDavid Laitinhe Norwegianniversity of Wonference onNorwegian Scept. of PoliticaE. Miguel, emirong arege1, Kjetil Ber3, Bertil TNovAshown toin Africa,potentiallyechanism—ntional wissearch desi1,300 subjeth standarde econometur tests yieln presumpher mechanethnic diveipe Gonzalezhe Busara Cenhe Choice LaJessica LeighPAL‐MIT, theort from U.C.Grant No. DChytilova, Gn, Rohini Pandn School of EWashington, YAfrica, the Bachool of Econoal Science, 4 Siguel@berkelee EthnicBjorvatn1, STungoddenvember 2015Abstractadverselybut the unplaying a—ethnic prefdom aboutign, collectiects in Naid and novetric approald no evideption of extnisms mayersity and ez, Ranveig Falnter for Behavb for adminisht for sharingPeder SaetheBerkeley IBEGE‐114747. WGuy Grossmande, Amanda Rconomics, U.CYale, U.C. Mearcelona GSEomics, 2 Univetanford Univey.edu.PrefereSimon Galln1 and Kel5y affect econderlying rrole. We uferences—wt the impacing multiplirobi; emplel experimeach was preence of coettensive ethbe more imeconomic anlch, Ruth Carlvioral Economstrative suppodata with us.er FoundationR, Zhang ackWe have recein, Johannes HRobinson, RauC. Berkeley, Cerced, StockhoE Summer Forersity of Califversity Dept. oences?*le2, Edwarlly Zhang4onomic pereasons remutilize labwhich havect of ethnicle rounds oloying withental mease‐specifiedthnic bias.hnic bias amportant innd politicallitz, and Doumics, the Econort. We are gr. We are graten, and the Noknowledges suived extremeHaushofer, Jonul Sanchez deCaltech, Harvolm School ofrum, and CEGfornia, Berkelof Political Scrd Miguel2erformancemain conteexperimene been centrdifferencesof experimehin‐lab primsures, incluin a registThe resultsmong ordin explainingl outcomes