摘要:In this paper the performance of di.erent information criteria for simultaneous model class and lag order selection is evaluated using simulation studies. We focus on the ability of the criteria to distinguish linear and nonlinear models. In the simulation studies, we consider three di.erent versions of the commonly known criteria AIC, SIC and AICc. In addition, we also assess the performance of WIC and evaluate the impact of the error term variance estimator. Our results confirm the findings of di.erent authors that AIC and AICc favor nonlinear over linear models, whereas weighted versions of WIC and all versions of SIC are able to successfully distinguish linear and nonlinear models. However, the discrimination between di.erent nonlinear model classes is more di.cult. Nevertheless, the lag order selection is reliable. In general, information criteria involving the unbiased error term variance estimator overfit less and should be preferred to using the usual ML estimator of the error term variance
关键词:Information Criteria ; Nonlinear Time Series ; Threshold Models; Monte Carlo