出版社:Energiewirtschaftliches Institut an der Universität zu Köln
摘要:We examine the e↵ect of energy prices and technological knowledge on innovationin green energy technologies. In doing so, we consider both demandpulle↵ects, which induce innovative activity by increasing the expected valueof innovations, and technology-push e↵ects, which drive innovative activityby extending the technological capability of an economy. Our analysis isconducted using patent data from the European Patent Office on a panel of26 OECD countries over the period 1978-2009. Utilizing a dynamic countdata model for panel data, we analyze 11 distinct green energy technologies.Our results indicate that the existing knowledge stock is a significant driverof green energy innovation for all technologies. Furthermore, the results suggestthat energy prices have a positive impact on innovation for some butnot all technologies and that the e↵ect of energy prices and technologicalknowledge on green energy innovation becomes more pronounced after theKyoto protocol agreement in 1997
关键词:Green energy technologies; innovation; patents; demand-pull;technology-push; dynamic count data model