期刊名称:Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - Regional Economist
出版社:Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
摘要:T he Little Rock-Nort h Litt le Rock- Conway metropolitan st atistical area (henceforth, Little Rock) is the largest metro area in Arkansas, wit h an estimated popu- lation of 717,666. A ll counties in t his area experienced growth in population between 2002 and 2012, aside from Perry Count y, which declined by a marginal 0.2 percent. In ag greg ate, t he Lit tle Rock metropolitan statis- tical area (MSA) grew in populat ion by nearly 15 percent, faster than Arkansas and the nation (9.0 percent and 9.3 percent, respectively). Pulaski County—home to almost ha lf of the area's populat ion, including t he city of Little Rock—grew by 6.8 percent. The bulk of the MSA's grow th came from the outlying area; all cou nties, except Perr y in t he nort hwestern corner of the MSA , grew faster t han Pulaski. This population expansion was accompa- nied by similar, t hough less u niform, t rends in personal income growth. In real terms, personal income per capita increased in all counties in t he metro area. Pulaski County, which has the h ighest per capita income, saw its income grow in real terms by 9.1 percent over the past decade, a rate t hat was outpaced by Faulkner (11.2 percent), Perry (16.5 per- cent), Lonoke (9.5 percent) and Saline