期刊名称:Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - Regional Economist
出版社:Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
摘要:T he evolution of national income inequality is a major topic in current economic discussions. In a recent speech, Federa l Reser ve Cha ir Ja net Yellen described the issue as one of the most important of our time: "By some estimates, income and wealth inequa lity are near their highest lev- els in the past hund red years, much higher than the average dur ing that time span and probably higher than for much of American history before then." 1 Less discussed is the evolution of income inequality on a subnationa l level. Not all regions in the U.S. exhibit the same inequal- ity patterns as the nation does. Using data from the annual March supplement of the Current Population Sur vey, we a nalyzed the long-ter m trend s of income inequa lity in the Eighth District. We found that although inequality in the Dist rict has increased, it has done so at a slower pace than has occu rred in the nat ion as a whole