期刊名称:Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - Regional Economist
出版社:Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
摘要:T he creation of new businesses, the so-called sta rtups, is importa nt for job growth, as research has shown. Econo- mists John Ha ltiwanger, Ron Jarmin and Javier Mira nda, using d ata f rom the Census Bu reau's Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS), 1 showed that the annual job creation rate in the U.S. is 18 percent, t hat is, every year 18 percent of total employment stems f rom jobs created during t hat year. 2 About a fifth to a third of that annual job creation happens at star tups, they found. 3 This high rate of cre- ation is bala nced with high job-destruction rates of about 16 p ercent of total employ- ment per year, according to Ha ltiwanger, Jar min and Miranda 4 ; about a third of this job destruction happens at establishments that shut down. Using the same data, econo- mist Tim K ane found that during recessions job creation at st artups rema ins stable, w hile net job growth (job creation minus job destruction) at existing firms is highly sensi- tive to the business cycle.