期刊名称:Akademos: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă
出版社:Academy of Sciences of Moldova
摘要:Article submitted for publication justifies a strong need of different countries’ economiesin the establishment of the budgetary balance. It reflects the evolution of various concepts related to thestate budget defi cit and installation of its balance. Italso specifi es European countries’ and the U.S. experiencein the fi eld budgetary balance. It designateskey methods that have been applied in different countriesat different stages of development in the fi eld ofbudget defi cit reduction and establishment of balanceof the budget. There are presented main concepts inthe fi eld of budgetary revenues and expenditures andtheir impact on the budgetary balance. Experiencethat was analyzed in the present article serves as abasis for preparation of recommendations of state‘smeasures that are applicable to the Republic of Moldovafor equilibration of its budget