期刊名称:Akademos: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă
出版社:Academy of Sciences of Moldova
摘要:In this article are described someconceptual aspects of contemporary musical culture.The complexity of the culture as social phenomenonhas enabled his investigation not only horizontally, butalso vertically. By applying the deductive method, themusical culture was defi ned as specifi c fi eld of socialphenomenon of culture, characterized by the creationof musical values, concretized in musical works.In the case of the investigation of contemporarymusic culture (the 20th century) was remarked therapid tempo of development of technologies and theneed for understanding the cultural phenomenonfl exibility and his correlation with certain stages ofdevelopment of human thought
关键词:contemporary musical culture; social;phenomenon; system of values; creation; cultural;subject