期刊名称:International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
摘要:SOSE is gaining recognition by both research communities and industries in recent times, however, its complete adoption is facing numerous challenges that require researchers to identify and overcome. Consequently, this paper embraces a systematic literature review to classify and analyze SOSE Challenges claimed in research communities from January 2009 to October 2014. First, the search string was applied to each selected database and the title, abstract and keywords of the potentially relevant primary studies were examined where 693 primary studies were found relevant. Then, the full texts of the 693 relevant studies were critically reviewed. As a result, 91 primary studies with 122 claimed SOSE challenges were identified and recorded. The results revealed quality of service (QOS) as the major SOSE Challenge, it is responsible for about 45% of the total SOSE challenges claimed for the period under review. Further investigation revealed Security as the main attribute responsible for placing QOS as the major SOSE challenge. It is recommended that research effort is required to improve the security of SOA applications. In addition, other areas that require research effort are Service provision and integration.
关键词:SOSE; Challenges; SOSE Challenges; Systematic Literature Review